
Showing posts from March, 2022

Various Types of Brackets

 see Symbol, Description, Alt Code [, Left Square Bracket Symbol, 91 ], Right Square Bracket Symbol, 93 {, Left Curly Bracket Symbol, 123 }, Right Curly Bracket Symbol, 125 〈 , Left-Pointing Angle Bracket, 9001 〉 , Right-Pointing Angle Bracket, 9002 ⎴ , Top Square Bracket, 9140 ⎵ , Bottom Square Bracket, 9141 ⏞ , Top Curly Bracket, 9182 ⏟ , Bottom Curly Bracket, 9183 ❬ , Medium Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament, 10092 ❭ , Medium Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament, 10093 ❰ , Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament, 10096 ❱ , Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Bracket Ornament, 10097 ❲ , Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament, 10098 ❳ , Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament, 10099 ❴ , Medium Left Curly Bracket Ornament, 10100 ❵ , Medium Right Curly Bracket Ornament, 10101 ⟦ , Mathematical Left White Square Bracket, 10214 ⟧ , Mathematical Right White Square Bracket, 10215 ⟪ , Mathematical Left Double Angle Bracket, 1

Microsoft Word - Wild Cards

You are perhaps already familiar with the “*” and “?” wildcards. But the wildcard feature in Word goes way beyond that, and can be very powerful. To begin, you must first turn Wildcards on in the Find/Replace dialog.  To do so, bring up the Find dialog, click More and check Use wildcards.  If you do not do this, Word treats the wildcard characters as if they were ordinary text. Word lets you define ranges [], groups (), repeats @, {}, anchors < > and exceptions !. With these expressions you can search for patterns in text that have certain things in common (some pattern: for example, they only contain certain characters, or a certain number of characters). Word uses “lazy” pattern matching: it will quit matching as soon as possible. The secret of using wildcard searches is to use a pattern that identifies the string of text that you wish to find, and ignores everything else. Wildcards are used to represent the characters or sequences of characters in that string. Because differen

Microsoft Word - Make Find and Replace a bit more Handy

 If you are tired of using Cntrl+F to launch the find dialog in Word, and then using the 

Make a Table of Titles in Word

 1. Create a table of contents using the usual Word method.  2. Select the full ToC by swiping with the cursor - not just clicking to select the table.  3. Goto "insert table" and selected "convert text to table" from the drop down. Use the paragraph mark as the separator. You should see the number of rows match your table of contents in the widget which shows the number of prospective rows in the table.